Apart from your child’s post-circumcision treatment, you should also make sure that your baby is thoroughly washed and dried. If you are unsure how to care for yourself, you can consult your doctor. You can get additional information from your doctor about how to care for your child after circumcision. Clinique Medicale Crescent 2021 can arrange a post-circumcision visit to verify that the procedure was successful and that the wound is healing properly.
The AMS Clinic should be contacted immediately you notice signs and symptoms of infection. The doctor can prescribe antibiotics, and you can continue your baby’s normal bathing routine. After the circumcision procedure, it is important to continue your child’s regular feeding schedule. A dry crust is normal. A yellowing or greenish crust around the wound can indicate infection. For any side effects, call the aftercare line.
Besides healing the wound properly, your child will feel swollen and sore for a few days. You can relieve the soreness with CALPOL (Paracetamol) and a warm washcloth. Apply petroleum jelly to the affected area, then soak it in warmwater. This will help to avoid any pain and bruising. Use a towel to gently massage the area. After two weeks, your child can return to his or her normal activities.
Your penis may look swollen or crusty the first few day after the procedure. You can’t have sex for six more weeks. Therefore, it is important to empty your bladder. To keep the area clean, you should wash it with warm water and gently squeeze out any debris. You can then take a bath or shower to reduce the swelling.
To avoid infection, you must carefully follow the post-circumcision instructions. After the circumcision, it is recommended to clean the area with a wet towel. To prevent bleeding, the doctor will apply a bandage to the penis. You should also wipe the area with a dry towel after bathing to prevent any bacterial infection. The bandage will fall off in 5 to 8 days. The bandages will fall off.
The cap should be allowed to fall off naturally the day afterward. You should also avoid lying on your back for the first three to ten days after the surgery. During the first few days, it is important to keep your son’s penis on its side. For the first week after circumcision, it is important to keep your son’s penis on its side. It is important to take a week off work after a circumcision, as it can be hard to focus on work for the first few days.
In the first 24 hours after the procedure, you should avoid vigorous activities. Your child should remain in bed during a surgical procedure. He should also avoid contact sport and should avoid strenuous activities like running. A doctor should advise you accordingly. The first 48 hours following a child’s circumcision are critical for their recovery. You should refrain from rubbing, pressure, or showering during this time.
Your baby may develop a black-blue head after a circumcision. Petroleum jelly may be used to cover the penis, which may bleed from the incision. Warm water should be applied to penis covered with gauze. After the procedure, you can give your child a bath. The ring will usually fall off in 10 to 12 business days. The doctor will explain how to take care of your child’s post-circumcision aftercare.
Your baby may experience pain after the circumcision. Tylenol or Acetaminophen are two common types of medication that can be used to treat this condition. It is possible to reduce pain by taking it before you circumcise. The following day, you can wash the foreskin and penis with warm water. If it is not irritated, you should apply a fresh bandage. The new bandage will need to be changed frequently after a few days.